Seasonal progression

As we progress through autumn there are many things that we could be doing to assist our gardens in preparation for the cool winter months.
If you haven’t commenced your winter vegetable garden you must get things into the ground post haste and let things establish before the soil starts to cool down.

The soil should be dug over to a depth of 250mm and added to the soil at this time, a generous amount of animal manure forked through with the addition of some garden lime, say three to four handfuls per square metre.

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Autumn colour and food for thought

Keith Mundy

With the Covid-19 isolation rules in place, what better time to have a look around our gardens and take note that the garden can be as beautiful in the throes of late autumn/winter as during the warmer seasons of spring and summer.

The cooler months bring with them the beautiful structure of the near-bare trees—their interesting shapes and bark colours as they drop their final autumn leaves and the first frosts cloak them … Read more »

Autumn—a time of change

Keith Mundy

With autumn well and truly with us there are plenty of things to do with new plantings of trees, shrubs, perennials, and vegetable and flower seedlings.

Autumn is the most desirable season for planting as the day temperatures are lower therefore lower transpiration rates but the soil is still warm enough to allow the roots to establish before the winter sets in. The plant will then rest through winter and when the first warm days of spring … Read more »

Gardens for the cool amongst us

Keith Mundy

With the cooler months of the year fast approaching, our gardens can become somewhat drab. Consider adding some colour to the garden—this not only makes the garden look great but also encourages us to get outside, now the heat of summer is over.

There are many plants that can brighten up any garden and warm our hearts with their beauty, and good nurseries will be full of colourful plants just waiting to get out there.
You can add … Read more »

The beauty of autumn

Keith Mundy

As we head into the cooler months of the year we should not forget that the garden can be as beautiful in the throes of late autumn/winter as during the warmer seasons.

The cooler months bring with them the interesting shapes and bark colours of the bare trees as they drop their autumn leaves and the first frosts cloak them in a glistening white. What better time to see the amazing colours of the bark of Crepe Myrtle? This beautiful, small tree not only has amazing flowers … Read more »

Autumn Ramblings

Keith Mundy

Well, here we are in another season, and autumn brings with it the start of the cooler days and nights and the perfect time for gardening.

There will be plenty of things to do with new planting, whether tree, shrub, perennial or vegetable and flower seedlings.

I am often asked, “Which is the best season to plant trees and shrubs into the garden?”

Being a nurseryman, I … Read more »