Prawns with Mango Salsa

Linda Sang

Something easy, no fuss, no cooking for the season’s gathering of friends and family? Or just a celebration of summer? How about prawns with mango salsa? Choose Australian cooked king prawns or, if you’re lucky, buy local school prawns from a roadside van. They’re a bit fiddly to prepare but well worth the effort with the reward of sweet little morsels.
Even better still, try catching them yourself with friends, flashlights, nets and buckets on a moonless night in summer. Ask a local for the … Read more »

Prawn Cakes, Evelyne A

2 cups fresh bread crumbs, white is best (1 bread roll)
3 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce
3 tablespoons rice flour
1 egg white, beaten
500g green prawn meat
8 finely shredded kaffir lime leaves (take out hard middle stem)

  1. Process all, not too smooth
  2. I make the ‘cakes’ soup spoon size, and, very importantly, keep your hands wet—have a bowl of cold water beside you.
  3. Cook in hot oil for a minute or two.
  4. Serve with a dipping sauce and salad. … Read more »

Smoked Fish Pate

Georgina Adamson

Made with delicious smoked fish from Zac at Bermagui Meat supply.

250g smoked fish
1 cup each sour cream, cream cheese (I love Tilba), mayonnaise

Place the above in a food processor and blend with juice of one lemon.
When smooth add a few drops of Tabasco, freshly ground salt and pepper.
Finely chop dill and/or chives and fold in.

Serve as a dip with vegetable … Read more »

Garlic and Cheese ‘Pull Apart’ Bread

briocheKelly Eastwood

(Makes 1 loaf)


For the dough:

170mls milk, room temperature
10g sugar
7g yeast
1 organic free range egg, lightly beaten
300g plain flour
5g salt
50g butter, softened

For the butter:

80g softened butter
2 sprigs rosemary, oregano, parsley or your favourite herb, leaves finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

For the top of the bread:

20g parmesan cheese, grated
20g melted butter, … Read more »

Crispy Kale Chips

Kale ChipsLena Kuppens


  • Salad Spinner
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Baking Tray
  • Baking Paper


  • Few drops of Olive Oil
  • Bunch of Kale Stalks
  • Pinch Chilli Flakes
  • Pinch Salt

Preheat oven to 160C. Line two large baking trays with baking paper.

Prepare the ingredients : Remove the stems very quickly by grabbing the base of the stem with one hand and pulling outwards along the stem to slide off the leaves. Tear the leaves into bite size pieces. Rinse the kale and dry the leaves very well in … Read more »

Polenta Slice

Linda Sang

Harvest days are here and I am busy chasing my garden’s bounty and the generous overflow of friends’ abundance.

I’m loving the satisfaction of bottling and preserving – seeing the wonderful array of reused jars cadged throughout the year filled with summer goodness. My corn, leeks and tomatoes are jumping out of the garden demanding to be used. The following recipe for a polenta slice
is really versatile – can be eaten hot or cold as a main … Read more »