Seafood Marinara Sauce

Georgina Adamson

That, served with Il Passaggio pasta, would stretch to feed a mob and give everyone a taste of the sea. 

This recipe will serve 4-6.

1. Start with a good tomato base. Soften 4 cloves of garlic, crushed, and a diced medium onion in a generous amount of olive oil. Then add one tin (or 3 fresh diced) tomatoes, three tablespoons of tomato paste, ¾ cup of white wine, … Read more »

Broad Beans (Salad & Hummus)

We all love spring. As a newbie gardener I am very excited to come back after a month      away to see the broad beans that were sown months ago laden with pods. If your broad beans are young enough they don’t need to be double peeled,
but in most cases after shelling your pods of beans, you blanch them in boiling salted water for a minute or so, refresh them in cold water and then peel the outer skin … Read more »