Baked apple tart with ginger cream and pistachios

tart5Nikki Hutteman

Apple tart  (serves 12)
4 kg golden delicious apples (or similar)
2 kg granulated sugar (less if you prefer more tart)

Ginger Cream
600 ml Tilba Valley cream
3 tsp local pure honey
2 tsp finely grated ginger

Peel and core apples, using a mandolin, cut widthways into 2 mm thick slices. Place apple in overlapping concentric layers in a 28 cm ungreased springform tin, sprinkling liberally with sugar between layers and pressing down apples as you go. Apples will reach just above side of … Read more »

Fruit or Savoury Muffins

Dawn Hollins

During the Cobargo Folk Festival we hosted the delightful guitar duo from Western Australia, Guy and Damian from Desert Child. I’d made pear muffins for the first time, simply because I had several ripe pears. They were out-of-this-world!

I’ve since made blood plum muffins, banana and pineapple muffins and the latest batch from rhubarb and frozen blackberries, another great combination.


So here’s the recipe for Pear Muffins endorsed by Desert Child

Wet mix ingredients:

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Cool Jellies for Summer

Dawn Hollins

While the following recipes barely qualify as local and seasonal they are ideally suited for hot weather dining. The first is a delicious American-style jellied salad which my mother used to make; the second is a quick and unusual jellied sweet.

Sunlit salad

  • 44 gm tin of pineapple – pieces or crushed
  • a third of a cup of chopped nuts – pecans, cashews or whatever you like
  • 1 packet of lemon or lime jelly crystals
  • 1 cup of … Read more »

Banana and green ginger muffins

For breakfast or morning tea how about using up the over-ripe bananas in the fruit bowl in some muffins with zing!

Wet mix: a quarter cup sugar, half a cup margarine, 4 ripe mashed bananas, 2 eggs, a quarter cup diced crushed green ginger

Cream margarine and sugar, add eggs and remaining wet ingredients or use a food processor.

Dry mix: 2 cups self-raising flour

Fold flour into wet mixture, place in prepared muffin pans and sprinkle over a mix of equal parts of garam masala and sugar. This adds an extra tang.

Bake at 180C for 20-25 minutes. Makes … Read more »