Entries by Debbie Worgan

Scalloped Potatoes

This recipe is from my mother in law and she was a thrifty cook. Here is a tasty vegetable dish: circa 1950s. There is no garlic or onion.

1 kg of waxy potatoes peeled and very thinly sliced
1 tablespoon of plain flour. Plus salt·and pepper to taste
1 cup of chicken stock
1 cup of grated tasty cheese
Chopped fresh parsley

Preheat oven to 190 degrees C.
Arrange sliced potatoes in a shallow baking dish … Read more »

Eva Mosler-Teichmann

From the Gold Coast to the South Coast

Chartered accountant, Eva Mosler-Teichmann, drove an old Hyundai Getz from the Gold Coast to her new home at Bermagui back in April. The little car was packed with computers, boxes and the dog.

‘The Getz went really well until we got to the traffic lights in Moruya and then she just stopped. I was thinking we’d make it no worries, then I’m asking people for a push. Thanks to the … Read more »

Truffle pasta

Fiona Kotvojs 

(2 people)
2250 g pasta. Use only good quality pasta for this recipe.
25 g salt
Knob butter
½ clove garlic (don’t add lots or it overpowers the truffle)
Small pinch chilli flakes (don’t add lots or it overpowers the truffle)
Sea salt (optional)
6-10 g truffle in the recipe (can add an additional 2 – 3 g per person at table if you want)About ¼ cup … Read more »

Truffled Camembert

Fiona Kotvojs 

1 round of Camembert cheese
About 5 shaved/grated truffles


Unwrap the Camembert. Keep the wrapping paper. Slice the cheese in half on the horizontal. Put a layer of thin truffle slices or grated truffle on each piece of cheese. Leave some of the surface of the cheese exposed so the two halves will stick together again. Put the two halves together again. Wrap up again in the paper or use some greaseproof paper … Read more »

Truffle-infused Parmesan cheese

Fiona Kotvojs 

Store the Parmesan and truffle in an airtight container together. 

Use the truffled Parmesan grated in and over a rissoto or pasta. The truffle flavour decreases once the truffle is removed from the container so use the Parmesan within a few days.

Truffle-infused eggs

Fiona Kotvojs 

Store fresh, clean eggs in the same jar as the truffles for two or three days. The aroma will infuse through the shell and produce truffle-flavoured eggs. Use the eggs as soon as you take them away from the truffle as the aroma is lost as it disperses out just as it infused in. 

Make into omelettes, scrambled eggs, poached eggs, frittata (grate a little more truffle over when serving for an extra truffle hit) or use … Read more »