Entries by Darryl Butler

Rhubarb and Ginger Jam

jam-2Kelly Eastwood

(makes 1.3kg)

1kg Rhubarb
25g fresh ginger, finely diced
800g sugar
Zest and juice of 1 orange

Place a small plate in the freezer to use for testing the jam.

Cut the rhubarb into 2cm batons. In a large bowl, place the chopped rhubarb, ginger, sugar, juice and zest. Mix well and leave to marinate overnight to release the juices from the rhubarb.

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Garlic and Cheese ‘Pull Apart’ Bread

briocheKelly Eastwood

(Makes 1 loaf)


For the dough:

170mls milk, room temperature
10g sugar
7g yeast
1 organic free range egg, lightly beaten
300g plain flour
5g salt
50g butter, softened

For the butter:

80g softened butter
2 sprigs rosemary, oregano, parsley or your favourite herb, leaves finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

For the top of the bread:

20g parmesan cheese, grated
20g melted butter, … Read more »

Greek Lentil Soup

Soup1Thea Constantarids

This is a classic Greek soup eaten in winter all over Greece. My mother says that even though mine is not as thick as hers, it’s tastier!!!


  • 2 cups dried lentils, whole brown or whole red, my favourite for this soup is whole red
  • 1 onion, brown or red
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic
  • 1 leek
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 small bunch silverbeet (optional, you can still make this soup if you don’t have … Read more »

Roast Cauliflower Cous Cous & Almond Macaroons

RECIPEpic3Linda Sang

One of my favourite things to enjoy over winter is cauliflower. Such a sweet satisfying vegetable. Good for those of us looking at reducing carbohydrates. This recipe for cauliflower couscous can be eaten as a side dish with anything in place of regular wheat-based couscous or potatoes. You can extend the basic dish by adding chick peas or broad beans, chopped tomatoes, rocket and/or baby spinach and you have a gluten-free vegan dish you can eat at room temperature or hot.

Roast Cauliflower Couscous serves 4 – 6

Kruidkoek and Mock Apple Choko Sauce

Kruidkoek (Dutch Spice Cake)Lena Kuppens

The Kruidkoek is a traditional Dutch recipe, with the mixed spices a nice warmer for the colder months. Traditionally it’s baked in a bread pan and sliced, but I like to bake it in a square baking tray and cut up in squares.

The ‘Mock Apple Choko sauce’ I made with the kids at the Cobargo Public School in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program and they loved it.

Kruidkoek (Spice cake)

Kruidkoek (Dutch Spice Cake)

Crispy Kale Chips

Kale ChipsLena Kuppens


  • Salad Spinner
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Baking Tray
  • Baking Paper


  • Few drops of Olive Oil
  • Bunch of Kale Stalks
  • Pinch Chilli Flakes
  • Pinch Salt

Preheat oven to 160C. Line two large baking trays with baking paper.

Prepare the ingredients : Remove the stems very quickly by grabbing the base of the stem with one hand and pulling outwards along the stem to slide off the leaves. Tear the leaves into bite size pieces. Rinse the kale and dry the leaves very well in … Read more »