
1¼ cups caster sugar
2 cups Corn Flakes
250 gms dark chocolate, chopped
2 cups self-raising flour, sifted
3 x 70 gm eggs
200 gm butter
125 gms pecans, chopped 

Preheat oven to 180º deg C.
Place butter and chocolate in saucepan and melt over very low heat, stirring until the mixture becomes just smooth.
Place eggs and sugar in a bowl and beat until pale and thick. … Read more »


from Georgie Adamson’s parents’ days

Another of my father’s made at Xmas

7 ozs condensed milk

1 tbsp butter

2 lbs sugar

1 cup milk

Put all ingredients into a saucepan and bring slowly to boil for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Test consistency by dropping a little into cold water on a saucer. When the mixture is like soft putty, remove pan from heat.

Beat with a wooden spoon until mixture begins to solidify around the edges. Pour into a buttered tin and mark into bars and allow … Read more »

Banana Supreme

from Georgie Adamson’s parents’ days

6 bananas

½ cup sweet Marsala

1 tbs caster sugar

1 tbs butter

Place bananas in a greased ovenproof dish. Pour over Marsala. Sprinkle over sugar and dot with butter. Bake for about 20 mins in moderate oven. Delicious served with cream or ice cream. Serves 4.

Cost approx 90c

Pineapple Pudding

from Georgie Adamson’s parents’ days
1 tin pineapple
1 packet pineapple jelly
2 eggs
1 pint milk
1 dessertpoon cornflour
1 tbs sugar
Vanilla, water
Drain pineapple, reserving juice and cut into small pieces. Place into glass dish.
Make custard with egg yolks, cornflour, sugar, few drops of vanilla.
When cool, pour custard over pineapple and mix together.
Dissolve jelly with reserved pineapple juice, adding enough … Read more »

Lemon Butter

by Georgina Adamson

Melt 250 g butter in a large bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Add 4 cups caster sugar (or coconut sugar) and stir till dissolved. Add grated peel and juice of 6 lemons, then 6 eggs well beaten. Stir all together over the heat till mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Put into sterilised jars and keep in the fridge – great to use for desserts or cakeor a spread. Prepare a special limone mi su using your lemon butter combined with mascarpone as the filling for the sponge fingers that are brushed with … Read more »

Wickedly warming winter dessert

by Georgie

I love making Clafouti. Once you know the basic mix, you can adapt it for any apples, pears or stone fruit base.
Heat oven to 180 degrees.

Prepare the fruit 

Pears seem to be around at the moment, but apples are lovely combined with some rhubarb, and stone fruit is perfect when in season.
Peel and slice the fruit and poach briefly, just to soften. I use very little liquid when poaching, maybe … Read more »