Death’s Door

by Rose Thompson

Death takes everyone – old, young, fat, thin. The dead decompose and turn to dust that eventually drifts off to land on objects and items. But the dead can be raised, the dust swept back into the coffin and assembled into flesh and bone, blood and guts. That’s my job.

My name is June Daize, and I am an apprentice necromancer at the dungeon of Thein. I am not sure if there are any other dungeons … I don’t get out much. It’s a dark, dank, candlelit place. Most of the chains have … Read more »

The Change of Tilba

by Ryder Howes  

When my nan was a little girl in the 1960s, Tilba was different. She used to do a lot of things you can’t do now. Like run around in the paddocks, build cubbies out of wood, and ride down the main highway on her scooter. She normally rode to the general store once a week to get a big bag of lollies for 20c. Back then there were more houses than shops. There were also a bunch of things they had on like flower shows, fashion shows, dances and Sunday school. As you can … Read more »


These are the poems by the Well Thumbed Poets read on Saturday 7 September at Well Thumbed Books, Cobargo, to music by violinist Elizabeth Andalis.

The event raised money for Far South Coast Animal Rescue and Wires.

The copyright to each poem below, other than the prologue and epilogue, belongs to its author. The prologue and epilogue are composed of a single line from each of the poems, arranged in different orders.



I jump, startled
my feet want a … Read more »

On to Plan B: adapting for a radically changing planet

It was pretty clear to scientists in the 1990s that man-made carbon emissions were causing climate change—it had started with the Industrial Revolution. Two plans of action were mooted. Plan A: reduce emissions (mitigation). Plan B: adapt to the changes. But we weren’t going to need Plan B, were we? The fix was clear, and there was plenty of time …

Nance Favelle: The forgotten cemetery at Garrawarra

Nance Favelle (nee Hyland)Written by Margaret Nance Favelle (nee Hyland)
December 2012

Submitted to The Triangle by John Favelle, January 2016.

On November 10th, 2012, I was browsing through the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper which my daughter had left with us after a weekend visit.

In the paper was a story about a Conservation Plan for a rediscovered cemetery near the Garrawarra Hospital at Waterfall, near Wollongong.

I have always known that my mother, Margaret “Josephine” Hyland nee Stewart … Read more »