Autumn Ramblings

Keith Mundy

Well, here we are in another season, and autumn brings with it the start of the cooler days and nights and the perfect time for gardening.

There will be plenty of things to do with new planting, whether tree, shrub, perennial or vegetable and flower seedlings.

I am often asked, “Which is the best season to plant trees and shrubs into the garden?”

Being a nurseryman, … Read more »

Tasks for summer

Keith Mundy

Summer brings with it the usual tasks, and although these tasks can seem tiresome they are most essential in the overall upkeep of our gardens.

Watering is without a doubt the top of the list. Garden beds require a good soaking at least every seven to ten days using a sprinkler and not a hand held spray. Watering with a hand held spray is basically just a waste of this valuable resource; invariably the surface just gets a wetting and water does not reach the … Read more »

Summer daze

Keith Mundy

Well, another year is all but over and the following summer months are a critical time to get our gardens through the hot and drier months.

Summer brings with it the usual tasks and although they can seem tiresome they are most essential in the overall upkeep of our gardens.

Watering is without a doubt at the top of the list. Garden beds require a good soaking at least every seven to ten days … Read more »

Mulching – let’s spread the word

Keith Mundyggpic1

Without any doubt, the practice of mulching is as important a job in the garden as anything else that might be done.

With summer on the way it is a great time to top up or apply new mulch that will keep the soil at an optimum moisture level. By adding mulch before the dry weather commences you will capture the moisture in the soil before it is lost to evaporation.

There are many products available for us to use and the type we use depends on … Read more »

Trees – a shady subject

Keith Mundy, The Spires Nursery

With summer heading our way I thought it timely to once again talk about shade trees.

Trees are probably the most important component of the landscape as they provide protection from the elements, add structure to a garden and provide habitat for wildlife.

Trees come in many shapes and forms whether evergreen or deciduous, short or tall and narrow and wide.

… Read more »

Prepare for spring 

Keith Mundy, The Spires Nursery 

Prepare for SpringWell here we are with winter nearly over and spring just around the corner and with it the start of the gardening year. New growth appears on deciduous plants, perennials wake after hibernation and bulbs pop up everywhere as new life begins. The next couple of months involves many tasks in the garden including the preparation and planting of the spring vegetable garden, planting of flowering annuals and the completion of late winter and early spring chores that need finalising before … Read more »