Entries by Debbie Worgan

Lemon Cordial


2kg castor sugar
1 litre water
30g citric acid
30g tartaric acid
juice of 6 large lemons, strained
finely grated zest of 2 lemons


If the lemons are not from your own tree, scrub them well with hot water before proceeding to zest or juice.

Dissolve sugar in water over heat in a non-aluminium stockpot. Add citric and tartaric acids. Stir to ensure that all is completely dissolved. Cool. Stir … Read more »

Cecile the Seal

by Christine McKnight

Reviewed by Georgina Adamson

This month, just for a change, we are reviewing a children’s book written by local author, Christine McKnight, a resident of Wallaga Lake where this story is set. Many will know her from the Cobargo Preschool. In creating Cecile the Seal, she has fulfilled her dream of writing a children’s book and we hope many more will follow.

The story is set in and around Wallaga … Read more »

Heather O’Connor: survivor, activist, volunteer, driving force

by Jen Severn

In 1988, Bob Hawke was prime minister and, arguably, the second Australian prime minister to take women’s affairs seriously (Gough Whitlam being the first). Margaret Reynolds was Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on the Status of Women, and Heather O’Connor was on her staff. She advised many ministers, particularly on the education of women, and she’s never lost that commitment.

Education, domestic violence, economic security – where did her interest in social … Read more »

Stepping into spring

Keith Mundy

With spring now with us I thought it opportune to discuss some issues that are most relevant to this period in the gardening calendar. Plants expend an enormous amount of energy in spring doing their things, like flowering and developing their fruit, or extending their size through new growth. Now is the time to help them along with some additional nutrients.

There are … Read more »

Tuna Teriyaki

Dawn Hollins and Carole Broadhead

Marinate tuna steaks in a mixture of sherry, white wine and soy sauce or commercial teriyaki sauce with water, sherry or wine. Turn occasionally for the flavour to penetrate evenly. After an hour or so cook on a grill or in a pan for about three minutes on each side. Serve with rice and salad and the rest of the cooked marinade as a sauce.

Herb and Lemon Cake

Dawn Hollins and Carole Broadhead

250 gm softened butter
1¾ cups SR flour
1¼ cup sugar
2 teaspns finely chopped rosemary or lavender leaves
3 teaspns grated lemon rind
4 eggs
¼ cup milk

Beat all ingredients with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Put in a greased ring tin and bake at 180 ºC for 45 mins. Sprinkle with icing sugar or spread with lemon icing when cool.