Pumpkin and Walnut Tart

Tart case:
I use a sweet short crust pastry but substitute one cup of walnuts for flour.
A blender is perfect for this, but it can be made by hand.
Blitz one cup walnuts till like it’s like breadcrumbs. Add 125 g chilled butter cubed and 1½ cups plain flour (your choice, I use gluten free).
When the mixture comes together, turn out onto a floured surface and work a little. Shape into a rectangle and chill in refrigerator till firm.
Gently roll out and line a tart tin lined with baking paper. I divide the pastry into two to make it easier. Roll out gently to fit pan. Don’t worry if it breaks as you can push it together, just don’t leave any cracks or gaps.
Put baking paper on top and fill with dried beans or rice and bake in mod oven for 30 mins or till coloured. Remove from oven and cool on rack. Remove beans and paper.
Approximately 500 gms peeled pumpkin cut into smallish chunks – roast or steam.
When cooled a little place in blender with 4 lightly beaten eggs, 1 cup brown or coconut sugar or ½ cup maple syrup and 1 cup coconut cream. One teaspoon mixed spice. Blend till well mixed.
Pour into completely cooled tart case and bake for approx 45 mins. Don’t overcook … just firm on top as it will set when cool.