Dulce De Batata (Sweet Potato ‘jam’)

Popular in South American countries, Dulce De Batata is usually served as an accompaniment to cheeses: a twist on quince paste, if you like…

2kg sweet potato
1.6kg sugar
30ml vanilla essence
40g gelatin powder
¼ cup warm water

Boil potatoes in their skins until very soft. Peel and mash well (or pass through a sieve/potato ricer/mouli)
In a large pot, add sugar, mashed sweet potato and just enough water to cover contents. Cook gently for around an hour, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. If the mixture seems to be drying out, add a little water.
Once smooth, add the vanilla essence, dissolve gelatin in the warm water and stir thoroughly through the mixture.
Place the contents into a container, let cool, then refrigerate until set.
The Dulce De Batata should last for about two weeks in the fridge.