Fish Yassa from Senegal

by Bhagya

Yassa looms large in the cuisine of Senegal. If you’ve never had it and love lemon and onions, give it a try! You can cook the fish in a pan or on the BBQ before finishing it off in a delicious caramelised onion, lemon mustard sauce. The BBQ gives the best flavour, with a hint of char.


1 kg firm fish cutlets, skin on
3 onions, thinly sliced
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced … Read more »

Pumpkin fillo parcels                                              

Stuart Absalom


quarter of a medium-sized pumpkin
1 large onion
olive oil
1 egg
150 gm fetta
salt and pepper
sesame seeds
fillo pastry (or phyllo or filo …)


Cut pumpkin into small pieces, toss in olive oil and roast until tender. While the pumpkin is roasting, melt 30 gm of butter in a pan, add … Read more »

Fiji Pumpkin Curry    

Flick Ruby

Dimity learned this recipe from her mother, Peta, who was taught it in Fiji. It’s best when you use fresh spices and herbs but do what you can! It’s delicious! (Dimity is my bestie – Flick)

Ingredients: 680 gms (around 3 cups) pumpkin, skinned and chopped into large (around 1.5 inches/3.5 cm) cubes

6 cloves garlic, finely grated

2.5 cms of fresh turmeric, finely grated

2.5 cms green ginger, finely grated

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Mushrooms on toast

Annette Kennewell
Tilba Mushrooms

Sauté fresh oyster mushrooms in a generous amount of butter. Add cracked black pepper to your taste and a little lemon juice to enhance the mushroom flavour. Serve on toast, or a bed of English spinach when in season. Great recipe for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Can substitute Swiss Brown mushrooms for the oyster mushrooms.


Pumpkin Gnocchi

by Flick Ruby

500 g baked pumpkin pulp
1.25 cups plain flour
½ cup of grated parmesan cheese
ground black pepper to taste

Bake a halved butternut pumpkin, or peeled pieces of pumpkin, for 1.5 hours. Let cool and scrape pulp into a bowl, adding the sifted flour, grated cheese and ground pepper (I use a lot!). Knead the ball of dough for two minutes or until smooth. On a … Read more »

Mussels cooked in wine

Deb Worgan

I love to have local mussels cooked in wine with charred bread. They are easy. Just clean them up, fry shallots in butter in a large pan then add the mussels and about a cup of white wine. Steam for five minutes until the shells open. Discard any that don’t open and serve with parsley, pepper and the bread. Yum!