Tomato Eggs

Linda Sang

At the end of March my remarkable grandmother of 111 years died peacefully in her sleep after not eating for one day. We Chinese take our food seriously! We called her Pau Pau and
when I was small our family would go to her semi-detached house in Bondi Beach for Sunday lunch. There would be a large array of dishes, all tasting different from my other grandmother’s fare, who was an equally wonderful cook. After our mother died my sister and I had the great … Read more »

Fish Chow Mein

Linda Sang

250g dried fine egg noodles
3 cm knob of fresh ginger peeled and grated
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp light oil
500g firm white fish fillets (ling is good) cut in 2 cm squares
2 eggs
Oil to fry
½ small cauliflower thinly sliced,
1 medium carrot cut into matchsticks
6 dried shitake mushrooms, soaked for an hour or so in … Read more »

Braised chicken with cider, fennel & garlic

Lynne Ford

1.5 kilo free range chicken
Sea salt & black pepper
4 sprigs lemon thyme (leaves)
1 tablespoon of ghee or virgin olive oil
8 small bulbs of spring onions or use halves of a spring onion which would include some green
4 cloves of garlic
3 small fennel bulbs
375 ml apple cider
375 ml vegetable or chicken stock
Tamari … Read more »

Quaama Quiisine

recipe-rollsDiana Holmes and Glennda Heino

Quaama Quiisine – some recipes from the offerings at Quaama’s Fairs, from Glennda and Diana.

Our food is always popular at the fairs and other community events held during the year at the Quaama Hall. We’re glad to be able to share some of the recipes with you here. Enjoy!

Finnish Cabbage Rolls with tomato and onion gravy

This recipe is quite … Read more »

Roast Cauliflower Cous Cous & Almond Macaroons

RECIPEpic3Linda Sang

One of my favourite things to enjoy over winter is cauliflower. Such a sweet satisfying vegetable. Good for those of us looking at reducing carbohydrates. This recipe for cauliflower couscous can be eaten as a side dish with anything in place of regular wheat-based couscous or potatoes. You can extend the basic dish by adding chick peas or broad beans, chopped tomatoes, rocket and/or baby spinach and you have a gluten-free vegan dish you can eat at room temperature or hot.

Roast Cauliflower Couscous serves 4 – 6

Keralan baked fish

FISH2Nikki Hutteman

(serves 6),

3 brown onions
4 cloves of garlic
30 cm piece of fresh ginger
2 fresh red chillies, deseeded
1 large bunch of fresh coriander leaves picked
1 red pepper, deseeded
1 yellow pepper, deseeded
oil /ghee or butter, large knob or good splash of either
2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds
2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds
2 teaspoons fennel seeds
1 handful of curry leaves
big chunk of fresh tuna from Bermagui, enough to feed 6, … Read more »