Apple and walnut muffin

By Lena Kuppens

350 g plain flour
150 g raw sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp bicarb powder
1 tsp cinnamon
60 g walnuts, chopped
2 small apples, peeled, cored and diced
1 tbsp yogurt
150 ml cold milk
125 ml veg oil
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 180° C, lightly grease a 12 x ½ cup muffin tin.

Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, … Read more »

Nan’s Egg Yolk Sponge


3 or 4 egg yolks (the whites can be used to make a pavlova)
2 tablespoons hot water
1/2 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup SR flour
pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons milk


Heat oven 180  C.
Beat the yolks with the hot water until pale and creamy (they really fluff up in size) before gradually adding sugar until pale and thick. Add salt and vanilla then … Read more »

Chocolate Pecan Pie

The Triangle Team

For the crust
150 grams (1¼ cups) plain flour, plus more for dusting
¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
140 grams unsalted butter, chilled and cubed
2 to 4 tablespoons ice water, as needed 

For the filling
170 grams (1½ cups) raw pecan halves
85 grams unsalted butter
60 grams dark chocolate, chopped
¾ cup corn syrup
4 large eggs
100 grams (½ cup packed) light brown sugar … Read more »

Ellie’s Caramel Slice

I have been asked to feature three of my special recipes. Currently in our lockdown and after going through the bushfires and trying to keep our lovely store in Quaama operating, I offer you a little insight. I am a country girl born and bred on Monaro. These recipes are dedicated to our ancestors and to my love of cooking.

Prepare your slice tin with a light spray of canola oil and line with baking paper. Prepare the base which consists of 1 cup … Read more »

Chocolate & Nut Cookies

150 g brown sugar
150 g caster sugar
200 g plain flour
100 g self-raising flour
170 g salted butter, melted, completely cooled
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tspn vanilla bean paste/extract
80 g macadamia nuts chopped (any nuts will do)
250 g chocolate chips (dark, milk or white)

Line 2-3 trays with baking paper and preheat oven to 180  C.
Combine and mix flours and sugars in a bowl. … Read more »

Lemon Delicious Pudding

80g butter, softened
175g caster sugar
Finely grated rind of a large lemon
4 eggs, separated
1 cup milk
3 tbsp (50g) SR flour, sifted
4 tbsp lemon juice

Heat oven to 180˚ C. Combine butter, sugar and lemon rind in a mixer and beat till pale and creamy. Add egg yolks beating one at a time. Add half the milk and half the flour, then beat in the … Read more »