One-bowl Pumpkin Cake

This is like a carrot cake but made with grated pumpkin instead.

½ cup brown sugar
¾ cup olive oil (if you find olive too strong a flavour, try a combination of olive oil and grape seed oil)
½ cup honey or golden syrup
3 eggs
Vanilla (extract or bean paste)
1½ cup SR flour
½ tsp ground cinnamon
300 g … Read more »

Limoncello Tiramisu

Georgina Adamson

(Apologies to Francesca at the gelato clinic!)

As well as lemon butter and limoncello you’ll need a packet of Italian Savoiardi biscuits, 600g thickened cream or 2 tubs mascarpone, and a little icing sugar.

1. Beat the cream or mascarpone with 1 tablespoon of icing sugar and stir in half a jar (or to taste) of lemon butter.

2. Brush each biscuit with the limoncello and line a dish with these. Spread a layer of the lemon cream mixture … Read more »

Pecan Pie


A 23 cm pie pan lined with shortcrust pastry, lightly blind-baked
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/3 cup melted butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla or 3 tablespoons bourbon
1 1/2 cups pecan halves, lightly toasted

Preheat oven to 190 C.
Beat all the ingredient except the pecans until well blended. Add the pecans and pour into the pastry shell. You may want to reserve some of the prettiest pecans to decorate the top. … Read more »

Donna Latters Chocolate Cake

Diana Holmes

125g butter
1¾ cup SR flour
1¼ cup caster sugar
¼ tsp bicarb soda
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 tbsp cocoa

Place all ingredients in bowl and beat well until the mix changes colour and all ingredients are combined.
Pour into a greased and lined 20cm tin. Cook in a moderate oven about one hour, until cooked (if when pressed lightly in the middle the … Read more »

Roasted Stone Fruit and Figs

Janine Halasz

Unsalted butter, 8 pieces of selected fruit, 4 tablespoons of brown sugar and 8 star anise.
Arranged cut fruit halves on a lightly buttered baking tray.
Sprinkle with brown sugar and add star anise to top of each half (if preferred use cinnamon)
Roast in 200C oven until sugar has melted and fruit warmed (15 to 20 mins).
Cool and serve with ice cream, cream, creme fraiche, … Read more »

Murray River Brétles

Margaret Goddard

½ cup butter
¼ cup sugar
1 egg
grated rind of one lemon and one orange
vanilla extract
1 cup ‘dry’ stewed plums/rhubarb (very lightly cooked without much liquid)
1-1 ½ cups of sifted plain flour
1 tbsp lemon juice
½-1 cup finely chopped almonds (enough to coat the biscuits)

Separate egg and keep both yolk and white.
Cream butter and sugar.
Stir in the egg yolk, grated rind, a few drops of vanilla and … Read more »