Pumpkin and Walnut Tart

Tart case:
I use a sweet short crust pastry but substitute one cup of walnuts for flour.
A blender is perfect for this, but it can be made by hand.
Blitz one cup walnuts till like it’s like breadcrumbs. Add 125 g chilled butter cubed and 1½ cups plain flour (your choice, I use gluten free).
When the mixture comes together, turn out onto a floured surface and work a little. Shape into a rectangle and chill in refrigerator till firm.
Gently roll out and … Read more »

Truffled cheesecake from Gulaga Gold, Dignams Creek

250g Anzac biscuits
100g butter
500g cream cheese at room temperature
150g caster sugar
¼ lemon – zested
4 truffled eggs – separated
100ml cream
30-50g black truffle – grated 

Crush the biscuits, add melted butter and stir through. Pour the mix into a cake tin or spring-form pan, compress the mix evenly around the base. Allow to sit in a cool … Read more »

Panforte di Siena 

by Georgie Adamson

Dense and fruity made with nuts, candied fruit, spices, butter and honey. It looks and tastes great, easy to make and lasts well.

Heat the oven to 150 ºC or 300 ºF.
Line a cake tin with baking paper and grease well.
110g (1 cup) each of hazelnuts and almonds. Spread on a baking tray and roast lightly. When cool, smash up.
1 cup candied citrus peel
1 cup other candied fruit (pineapple, fig, ginger etc)
Grated zest of 1 lemon
2 tbs flour (it could be GF)
1 tsp … Read more »

Hazelnut Biscuits

by Linda Sang

75 g hazelnuts
75 g almonds
100 g brown sugar
20 g butter
1 egg white, lightly whisked.
Icing sugar for coating the rolled balls.


Pulse nuts till well-broken, but not superfine to retain texture.
In a small saucepan, add butter first and melt, add sugar and egg white. Mix well and cool.
Add mix to the nuts and combine well. Mixture should be stiff. If not stiff enough add some more almond meal.
Roll into small … Read more »

Brandied Fruit Compote

by Angela Marshall

Every year I make quite a few jars of this so there is something especially delicious to bring out for a quick dessert. Serve with thick cream and/or icecream, with wafers or plain.

125 g pitted prunes
125 g dried apricots (try to find good, slightly leathery, flavourful Australian apricots)
65 g sultanas
2 fresh peaches (tinned peaches will work too)
4 tblsps brandy, sherry or rum
1 cup of water and 2 cloves
130 g sugar
1 orange … Read more »

Chocolate Strawberries

by Deb Worgan

175 g cooking choc buttons (dark is delicious!)
500 g fresh strawberries stems attached.
Line a pan with baking paper.

Use a double boiler or microwave the chocolate for 30 second intervals, removing and stirring at each 30 second interval, until the chocolate has melted. Stir often to not burn.
Holding a strawberry by the stem, dip into the melted chocolate, lift and twist slightly, letting the excess chocolate fall back into the bowl. Then place the strawberry on the baking paper. Repeat with the … Read more »