Herbs for all seasons

Keith Mundy

With the ever-increasing demand for food to be labelled with the origin of the supply, one sure method of knowing the location of where it is grown, is to grow your own.
With the desire to try new and exciting taste sensations a great way of doing this is to use the amazing number of herbs that are available to us that are easily grown in our own … Read more »

Trees – for the future

Keith Mundy 

Continuing on from last month’s theme of autumn, April is usually the month that we start to notice the beautiful colours of the autumn trees that are dotted around the countryside with shades of vivid yellows, oranges and reds highlighting the gardens that they adorn. Not only are autumn trees grown for their beautiful colours but just as importantly they are also grown for summer shade. 

Care should be taken with the selection of these plants as … Read more »

Glorious autumn

by Keith Miundy

Well, here we are heading into the cooler months of the year again and let’s not forget that the garden can be as beautiful in the throes of late autumn/winter as during the warmer seasons of spring and summer.

The cooler months bring with it the beautiful colours of deciduous trees with their interesting shapes and bark colours as they commence to enter the wintering phase. There’s no better time than now to see the amazing … Read more »

Tasks for summer

Keith Mundy

Another year is underway and, as one season follows on from the last one, the tasks might change but there is always plenty to do in the garden.

Summer brings with it the usual tasks we can all relate to and, although these tasks can seem tiresome, they are most essential in the overall upkeep of our gardens. Luckily this year we have had ample rain but this has led to one major task that most of us are … Read more »

Summer hints

Keith Mundy

Summer is with us again and with it come many tasks required to keep our gardens looking their best and, if the weather forecasters are right, we might be in for a wet summer.

Even if we get the forecast rain it is important to remember that for those of us who garden in pots, watering of these is an important practice. Plants suffer a lot of stress in pots as they often miss out on watering, … Read more »

Perennial delights       

Keith Mundy

As we draw closer to summer, thought should be given to plants that will brighten up your summer garden with amazing flower colours, shape of flowers and size of plant for that special area. Two of the most popular groups of plants with these attributes are the salvia and lavender groups.

Salvia with their extraordinary diversity of colour and habit: with over 1800 species alone, without the new varieties added every year, Salvias are truly a gardener’s … Read more »