Entries by Debbie Worgan

Sensational salvias

Keith Mundysalvias5

There has been an enormous amount of work been done in recent times by breeders to bring more of these fabulous perennials to the market place with new hybrids and many other species that have not been available before. With their extraordinary diversity of colour and habit over 1800 species with new varieties being added almost all the time, salvias are truly a gardeners’ delight providing rich and interesting rewards for every garden.

This spell binding genus has blues to rival the colours of the ocean and … Read more »

Trees for the planet

Keith MundayGGpic4claretash

Continuing on from last months’ theme of autumn, April is usually the month that we start to notice the beautiful colours of the autumn trees that are dotted around the countryside: shades of vivid yellows, oranges and reds highlighting the gardens that they adorn.

Autumn trees are grown for their beautiful colours, but just as importantly they are also grown for summer shade.

Much care should be taken with the selection of these plants as many are very large trees with invasive roots and need a large parcel … Read more »

The Tones of Autumn

Keith Mundy


Well here we are in another season and autumn brings with it the start of the cooler days and nights and the perfect time for gardening. There will be plenty of things to do with new planting whether tree, shrubs, perennial or vegetable and flower seedlings. I am often asked what is the best season to plant trees and shrubs into the garden and being a nurseryman I will say anytime is good as long as you maintain the plants with mulch and water if planting in … Read more »

A Living Carpet

Welcome to another year of gardening hints in The Triangle. I have noticed during the early parts of January that the media was announcing that 2015 was the hottest year on record and 2016 is likely to top that. So this year I will ensure that I give some great ideas that will help you on your way to success with the conditions we will be exposed to. … Read more »

A Pot or Two

Keith Mundy 

With the ever increasing use of our outdoor spaces, the use of pots as a growing solution is becoming far greater than in previous times. The opportunity is right to offer some hints on how to successfully manage this form of gardening.  Probably most important is to decide what you actually want the pots and the plants to achieve.  Are they to be used for growing vegetables and some annual colour? Maybe a perennial and a … Read more »

Lemon Pickle

Curry Bunga

6 lemons (use yellow lemons with thin skin, never use lemons with thick skin)

2 tbsp red chili powder
1 tbsp black salt
½ cup sugar
¾ cup water

Wash lemons really well. Cut each into 8 wedges and try to remove as many seeds as possible.
Put the lemon pieces in a heavy-based pot. Add red chili powder, black salt and sugar. Mix well, add water and cover the … Read more »