Entries by Debbie Worgan


by Georgina Adamson

Peel rind off 6 large thick-skinned lemons. Not too much flesh. Buy a bottle of vodka. Put half of the vodka in another similar clean bottle. Stuff the lemon rind into the two bottles. The vodka should cover the rind. Seal and set aside for a week. No nipping!

Make a syrup with 3 cups sugar and 4 cups water. Bring to the boil and stir till sugar is dissolved, simmer for five minutes till it’s a little syrupy. Combine this syrup with the lemon-infused vodka and stir well. Strain, then decant into smaller clean bottles and seal. Set … Read more »

Lemon Butter

by Georgina Adamson

Melt 250 g butter in a large bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Add 4 cups caster sugar (or coconut sugar) and stir till dissolved. Add grated peel and juice of 6 lemons, then 6 eggs well beaten. Stir all together over the heat till mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Put into sterilised jars and keep in the fridge – great to use for desserts or cakeor a spread. Prepare a special limone mi su using your lemon butter combined with mascarpone as the filling for the sponge fingers that are brushed with … Read more »

Wally’s story

by Angela Marshall

Picking up Wally Stewart’s story where we left off in the July issue of The Triangle … 

The family moved from the Bermagui River encampment to Narooma in 1958, where Wally’s sister Susan was soon born. Two years later Wally was born, the youngest of ten children.

Their house on the Narooma Flat was a short walk to the Wagonga Inlet and one of Wally’s jobs was to walk over to the sandflats and collect a … Read more »

Wickedly warming winter dessert

by Georgie

I love making Clafouti. Once you know the basic mix, you can adapt it for any apples, pears or stone fruit base.
Heat oven to 180 degrees.

Prepare the fruit 

Pears seem to be around at the moment, but apples are lovely combined with some rhubarb, and stone fruit is perfect when in season.
Peel and slice the fruit and poach briefly, just to soften. I use very little liquid when poaching, maybe … Read more »

Fish Yassa from Senegal

by Bhagya

Yassa looms large in the cuisine of Senegal. If you’ve never had it and love lemon and onions, give it a try! You can cook the fish in a pan or on the BBQ before finishing it off in a delicious caramelised onion, lemon mustard sauce. The BBQ gives the best flavour, with a hint of char.


1 kg firm fish cutlets, skin on
3 onions, thinly sliced
2-3 cloves of garlic, … Read more »

Mrs Death Misses Death

by Salena Godden

Reviewed by Wendy Tucker

Salena Godden is an English poet, author, activist, broadcaster, memoirist and essayist. Born in the UK, Godden is of Jamaican-Irish heritage. She is known for the graphic power of her poetry and is considered one of the foremost performance poets in the UK.

This is her debut novel. I had heard a lot about this prize-winning prose/poetry novel and because of the enthusiastic reviews regarding the beauty and … Read more »