Preserved Lemons

by Georgina Adamson

Preferably use thick skinned lemons. This is another useful pantry item and great to use when cooking Middle Eastern-style food, goes well with chicken, lamb, fish, cous cous and more.

You will need large, sterilised glass jars. Prepare jars by washing and drying well and sterilising in the oven.

Wash the lemons and cut into quarters or eights, depending on size. Toss in a large basin with coarse salt and massage well. Scatter salt into the base of the jars. Pack the lemons into the jars, skin side out and push down firmly. Add bay leaves, cloves and a cinnamon stick for flavour.

Sprinkle with the remaining salt. Add extra lemon juice to ensure the lemons are covered then seal tightly. Leave for a couple of months until salt is dissolved.

When ready to use, remove and discard the pith and chop the peel before adding to your dish. Only use one or two pieces as it has quite a strong flavour.