
by Georgina Adamson

Peel rind off 6 large thick-skinned lemons. Not too much flesh. Buy a bottle of vodka. Put half of the vodka in another similar clean bottle. Stuff the lemon rind into the two bottles. The vodka should cover the rind. Seal and set aside for a week. No nipping!

Make a syrup with 3 cups sugar and 4 cups water. Bring to the boil and stir till sugar is dissolved, simmer for five minutes till it’s a little syrupy. Combine this syrup with the lemon-infused vodka and stir well. Strain, then decant into smaller clean bottles and seal. Set aside for about 14 days.

Drink as a liqueur or chilled, poured over ice and topped with soda or tonic, or give it away.