Feijoa Walnut Cake


2 cups feijoas, peeled and roughly chopped (important to measure correctly – 2 cups when peeled and chopped)
1 cup walnut pieces
1 cup sultanas
1 cup sugar
100 grams melted butter
1 egg
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons mixed spice
2 teaspoons baking soda

Mix feijoas, walnuts, sultanas and sugar together in a large bowl.
Beat egg and butter together and mix into feijoa mixture.
Sift flour, mixed spice and … Read more »

Corn, cheese and bacon muffins

Diana Holmes

Diana Holmes of Quaama has had a long history in the hospitality industry in England and Australia, running restaurants and cafés. She still loves to cook for the CWA and Quaama Quiisine and these two recipes are favourites of hers—and crowd-pleasers! They are very easy and her family loved making them with her, with great success. She hopes you will enjoy making these simple recipes for yourself and your family and … Read more »

Lemon Pickle

Curry Bunga

6 lemons (use yellow lemons with thin skin, never use lemons with thick skin)

2 tbsp red chili powder
1 tbsp black salt
½ cup sugar
¾ cup water

Wash lemons really well. Cut each into 8 wedges and try to remove as many seeds as possible.
Put the lemon pieces in a heavy-based pot. Add red chili powder, black salt and sugar. Mix well, add water and cover the pot … Read more »

Goan Fish Curry

Curry Bunga

Curry Bunga is a little Indian restaurant on Bunga St, Bermagui that offers quality, authentic Indian cuisine. Owner and chef, Nandini, has a pride and a passion for creating meals that burst with flavour and Curry Bunga has a loyal group of regular customers.
The menu changes constantly according to the availability of local produce and Nandini’s own creative whims, but you can bank on a range of meat, vegetarian and vegan options.
Everything Nandini … Read more »

Baked Ricotta Cheesecake

Mountain Valley Farm

This cheesecake will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for up to four days.
Serves 10-12
125g butter, melted and cooled, plus extra for greasing
400g cream cheese, softened
450g ricotta cheese
1½ cups (330g) caster sugar
4 large eggs
¼ cup (35g) plain flour
¼ cup (30g) cornflour
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 … Read more »

Spinach and Fetta Pie

Mountain Valley Farm

According to Erica Dibden of the Mountain Valley Farm in Central Tilba, everything she and husband Nic do, simply comes back to food. The couple have owned the 200 hectare farm for 20 years, and each day is about tending to the 400 Jersey cows that supply an estimated 25,000 litres of milk per week, not to mention planting seeds, harvesting crops and making the most of all … Read more »