Advertise your business or organisation in The Triangle for unequalled access to the residents of Bermagui, Tilba, Cobargo, Quaama and localities.

Current advertising rates and sizes are shown below.

Create your ad in .jpeg, .png or .pdf formats and email it to, or let us create a professional one for you, free of charge.

And consider our popular Service Directory. It’s a handy lift-out spread of services available around the Triangle region. Just $28 a month or $280 for the whole year.

Call (02) 6493 8369 or 04 1955 1956 to discuss your ideas and book a space. Our advertising deadline is the 19th of each month. Sending artwork to us earlier is preferred.

The Triangle Advertising Rates and Sizes Display ads: Height x Width

$33 Landscape only 42mm x 59mm

$55 Portrait 85mm x 59mm

$55 Landscape 60mm x 90mm

$65 Landscape only 42mm x 121mm

$100 Low Banner 42mm x 184mm

$110 Portrait (1/4 page) 130mm x 90mm

$110 Landscape 85mm x 121mm

$165 Tall Banner 85mm x 184mm

$195 Half Page 130mm x 184mm

$330 Full Page 270mm x 184mm

Service Directory listings:

$28 Text only to fit the space. The SD is a two page spread in the centre of the paper.

Notes: A banner ad stretches across the page so we can be flexible with height and will figure out an appropriate price. The other sizes are fixed as they must fit within our template and with other ads on a page.
Preferred formats are .jpeg, .jpg, .png, pdf.
Colour versions are used in our online Triangle and B&W for the print edition.
The Triangle is published monthly except for January.
We have an annual offer – pay ahead for 10 months, get one month free.
The deadline for changes is the 19th of each month for the next issue.


Advertising contact: Bhagya 6493 8369